Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gattaca & Natal Spectrum

Gattaca is a film that has to do with bioethics . The main character of the movie is Vincent (aka Gerome) . He is an in-valid, or a natural born . He wasn't genetically changed like his brother . In ways, I guess you could say that he felt inferior because he was an in-valid . Until one day, he meets Gerome Morrow . Gerome is a valid . But he's not like other vailds . He's paralyzed from the waist down . He stepped in front of a car, causing himself to become paralyzed . To sum it up, Vincent pretty much becomes Gerome . Gerome puts his samples in pouches for Vincent to use to pass off as a valid . And eventually, "Gerome" (Vincent) begins to work at Gattaca, which is a space board . Then a murder occurs at Gattaca . "Gerome" goes to check it out, and his eyelash falls off and floats onto the edge . The crime scene investigators find it, and have it scanned to find that the eyelash belonged to an in-valid . They become suspicious that the in-valid may have been the murderer, and starts a search . They have frequent samples taken from the employees at Gattaca, causing a lot of worries for "Gerome". Towards the end, they find out that the in-valid had nothing to do with the murder, and instead, it was a completely different person that had committed the murder . Then, "Gerome" finds out that the crime investigator is really his brother . They have another game of Chicken, which is when they both swim out as far as they can into the ocean, and whoever turns around to go back to shore is the 'chicken'. "Gerome" surprisingly not only beats his brother, but also saves his life by helping him back to shore . Then after more minor things happen in the movie, Vincent is finally going off into space, and Gerome decides to end his life because he had hated the feeling of always being inferior to others .
I think that this movie wasn't bad . I got confused at some parts because it was a lot to take in, but other than that, it was a nice movie . It definitely had me thinking about the possibilities of changing people genetically, before birth, and definitely had a lot to do about bioethics .

9 Natal Bioethical Issues from Least Controversial to Most Controversial

1. Natural Reproduction

2. Carrier Testing - Genetic tests of parents that show the risk of passing on a genetic disorder

3. Prenatal Testing - genetic screening of fetus for genes that cause disorders

4. Artificial Insemination - Insertion of sperm into female reproductive tract by syringe in a doctor’s office

5. Fertility Drugs - Prescription drugs which increase a woman’s chance of becoming pregnant

6. In Vitro Fertilization - Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. Viable embryos are chosen and inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in a doctor’s office.

7. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Diseases - Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. Embryos are screened for a certain genetic disorder. Those without the defective gene are inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in a doctor’s office.

8. Cloning - The creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another .

9. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Non-deleterious Traits - Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. Embryos are screened for genes of non-deleterious traits (such as hair color, height, sex). Those with desired genes are inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in a doctor’s office.

I chose to order my list in this way, because of my ideas of what's right and wrong . Natural reproduction for me is the least controversial, because it doesn't involve any changing, or any artificial components, it's all natural . I believe that Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Non-deleterious Traits is the most controversial because it involves picking out the traits of your child, which is something that we discussed in class . That, and cloning are at around the same level, because they are both, in my opinion, two topics that many people can argue about . Prenatal and Carrier testing are also consider two of the least controversial because in my eyes, they are both for positive reasons . They are both to see if the child has any diseases or any disabilities before he/she is born, which could be treated before he/she is born . The rest of the ideas that are in the middle of least and most controversial are the ones that I believe could be considered to be for positive reasons, but at the same time could be considered wrong in the eyes of some .

I think that people should stop at Fertility drugs . Even fertility drugs could be controversial, but I think that everything afterwards is a little too much . For example, In vitro fertilization . Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. In vitro fertilization is when viable embryos are chosen and inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in the doctor's office . I for one, just don't like the idea of "viable" embryos being picked and chosen . Even though it could be to remove any risk of disease or disability, I just don't like the idea of picking out someone's traits . Even though this idea isn't necessarily changing traits, it's still choosing and picking out the "best" embryos . This is also why I'm pretty against Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Diseases . Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Diseases is when Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. Embryos are screened for a certain genetic disorder. Those without the defective gene are inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in the doctors office . So pretty much, it's when they pick out the traits that they want for their child, and that they would like . I believe that people shouldn't have to go as far as picking out their child's traits . Everyone is born with there own special traits which is what makes them special and unique . If everyone were to get their traits chosen and picked out, then how would anyone really be unique ? There would be so many people with the same traits . So even though some people may believe for this to be "right" I believe that it isn't necessary and it shouldn't be a method that people should have to turn to .


  1. Jooeun,
    I agree with your Natal Spectrum organization because, I also put Natural Reproduction first and Cloning last. I also agree that the movie GATTACA was a lot to take in, and at times a bit confusing. But, in my opinion, it all made sense at the end. You did a very great job with your GATTACA summary, opinion on movie, natal spectrum organization, and where to stop your order of the natal spectrum. Good Job!!

  2. Hey Jooeun, this is just a continuation of my last comment. I do believe that the Natal Spectrum should stop at fertility drugs because, beyond that it's just not.... natural. In my honest opinion, reproduction should just be a natural thing, but in some cases they need to go to some of the options that you had listed above in your blog. But, like your list, I believe/listed, that Natural Reproduction is the least controversial and that Cloning is just Controversial. As I said in my last post, you did a great job explaining and I agree with almost everything you had written.
